Nait and his sister Naitalie are traveling around the world meeting families affected by the disease that they are named after, Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia.

They would like you to follow them both and look forward to your comments :)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Saying goodbye to Nait

Well, what a wonderful time the May family had with their international visitor Nait. Nait was able to explain to the girls how lucky they are to be here!!

Talleah our miracle baby girl born with a platelet count of 32. Now aged 3.5 years with a cheeky smile and attitude to boot. She has enjoyed Nait visiting and being able to show him to her kinder freinds. When she is older she will learn more about how her Mummy and Daddy never thought they would have the chance to take her home when she was born. Now look at her!!!

Allira aged 5 years. A gorgeous big sister to Talleah who luckily (as far as we know) never had any problems with her platelets at birth.  However, she also has enjoyed Nait visiting and was very reluctant to send Nait on to Kate's family, also touched by NAIT.

Big hugs for Nait!!!

Even Mummy got to sneak in a cuddle with Nait

Sending Nait on his way to the Johnstone family in Ballarat

Bye our dear friend Nait

Nait's passport stamped at the local post office

Nait has visited Croydon, Victoria, Austalia!! Bye for now, good bye and have fun on your travels Nait!!  Allira and Talleah will miss you very much but the next family will also enjoy you too.

Nait visits Barngeong Reserve Kindergarten

Talleah was very excited to take Nait to kinder to visit her friends at Barngeong Reserve Kindergarten in Croydon North

Nait enjoyed meeting all the kinder kids. Here is the 3 year old group with their teacher Emma!!
Nait was a big hit with the kids too!!

Talleah enjoyed telling all her kinder friends about why Nait was visiting the May family.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Night time cuddles with Nait

Both Allira and Talleah loved having cuddles with Nait, especially before bed. What an extremely loved bear Nait is!!! Imagine all the lovely cuddles he has had from all the kids he has visited. Lucky bear!!!

Allira enjoying a cuddle with Nait before bed


More cuddles!! Doesn't Nait looked pleased!!??

Talleah playing with Nait but being very camera shy

Sprung!!!! Talleah cuddling Nait. Hope Nait liked his new necklace!!

Hanging out with Nait

Unfortunately the weather was not kind to Nait when he visited the May family in Melbourne, he spent many a day in the warmth of the family house, but definately didn't miss out on plenty of cuddles.

and what a very handsome bear Nait is!!!!!

Too cute Nait!!

Allira showing Nait around the house

Allira very much enjoyed Nait visiting

Allira and Nait doing some drawing

Nait helping with the washing

NAIT's ARRIVAL: Nait visits the May family in Croydon, Victoria, Australia

Well, Nait arrived safe and sound from the Bebbington's in NSW to the May house in Melbourne. Allira (aged 5) and Talleah (aged 3) as you will see were very excited to meet Nait.

Talleah: "Oooooohhhhhhh!!!! I wonder what could be in this parcel?? "

A very excited Miss Talleah opening the box

Hugo our dog trying to see what is in the box

Miss Allira with Nait

Talleah searching for missing Nait

Allira secretly cuddling Nait again, stolen away from her sister

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Nait meets Diesel the Wombat

Me and Diesel :)

I've had a fantastic time with the Bebbington's and lovely New South Wales!!!! and will soon be arriving at Melbourne, Victoria to visit with Kylie May and her family!!!!!!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Rocky Creek and Protestors Falls

                                                           Rocky Creek Dam portrait map

Rocky creek dam playground

                           Nait on the Dam wall, Rocky Creek Dam, Whian Whian State Forest

                    Jacob getting wet Protestors falls

Jake, Laura and Wilson

Playing at home and at Grandma's

Chloe and Nait

Getting a wheelbarrow ride from Wilson

                                    Can you see Nait?

Playing in the front yard

                                                            Relaxing on the hammock

                  Wil and Nait with a garden feature

Checking out the fairy garden

Can Nait come to school too

Doing some embroidery with Grandma, Lennox Head

                        Having teddy time at grandma's

Trying on grandma's shoes

Channon Markets

 Look Nait a puppet cat show

Channon Markets

Nait looking through playground window at channon markets

 On the way we saw a Koala run across the road and climb up this gum tree