Today was my last day with the Wickens family, we have had a nice roast, made popcorn and watched a film, I even got one last very nice bear hug.
Today Mummy Steph took me to visit a very special member of the family, Angel Baby Theo, he would have been two soon, but unfortunately due to nait he is not with us. Theo is sadly missed but loved and thought of just as much as Morgan and Casey. The Wickens family light a candle for him on 8th September every year and they also light a candle for the event called 'wave of light' on the 15th October at 7pm, this is a world wide event, and its thought that if everyone lights a candle at 7pm there will be a continuous candle burning throughout the world !

My week has been very busy and I have had lots of fun, hopefully one day I can visit here again, I am really looking forward to my stay with the Livingstones and I cannot wait to see them, hopefully it wont take me too long to reach them, but until I get there I'm going to have a nice nap.
Take care everyone, massive bear hugs and love to you all xxx