Nait and his sister Naitalie are traveling around the world meeting families affected by the disease that they are named after, Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia.

They would like you to follow them both and look forward to your comments :)

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

My last day.

Today was my last day with the Wickens family, we have had a nice roast, made popcorn and watched a film, I even got one last very nice bear hug.

Today Mummy Steph took me to visit a very special member of the family, Angel Baby Theo, he would have been two soon, but unfortunately due to nait he is not with us. Theo is sadly missed but loved and thought of just as much as Morgan and Casey. The Wickens family light a candle for him on 8th September every year and they also light a candle for the event called 'wave of light' on the 15th October at 7pm, this is a world wide event, and its thought that if everyone lights a candle at 7pm there will be a continuous candle burning throughout the world !

My week has been very busy and I have had lots of fun, hopefully one day I can visit here again, I am really looking forward to my stay with the Livingstones and I cannot wait to see them, hopefully it wont take me too long to reach them, but until I get there I'm going to have a nice nap.

Take care everyone, massive bear hugs and love to you all xxx

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Another fun day.

Today has been another busy day, it was quite cold today but we spent some time down the park, i enjoyed the swings, the roundabout and a small slide, Morgan and Casey went on the bigger play equipment but it was far too high for me.

As it was so cold we had a picnic at home in the garage. After we made a camp, we also had a long game of hide and seek me and mummy Steph were very good, we were always the last ones to be found ;)

Later on today mummy Steph and Morgan took me to a charity event where they were raising money for 'Guide Dogs For The Blind', they had lots of items for sale including some yummy cakes. We saw a few guide dogs, Mummy Steph told me that this charity was also one she liked as Morgan may one day be able to have a Guide dog, these dogs are very clever and they also help raise money and awareness like me and my sister Naitalie.

Tomorrow will be my last day here and we have a very special day planned, i cant wait, take care everyone. x

Monday, 29 August 2011

Busy Bear

Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a nice bank holiday Monday !

I have had a very busy weekend with the Wickens family, we have been fishing which was fun but i was unable to catch one. Morgan, Casey and I pretended to fish in the garage and we caught a lot of fish from there :)

Today I have been visiting Tonbridge castle, which was great fun we walked around for a long time and some parts were very high but Casey made sure I was safe, the views were amazing, I even got to sit on an old cannon with Casey and Mummy Steph.

After all the sight seeing we went and brought the boys school shoes ready for next week, they had lots to choose from, both Morgan and Casey still want a few more weeks off school though !

I'm going to go and rest now ready for a few more days out, before I'm off to visit my next family.

Bear hugs to you all xx

Friday, 26 August 2011

I have arrived in England Kent.

After a long journey across the sea again i arrived on a very wet and cold day, but i was greeted with a nice warm cuppa and a nice warm welcome from, nait Daddy Danny & Mummy Steph and two very active boys Morgan (12) and Casey (9).

We stayed in today as i arrived quite late but so far Ive had fish and chips and lots off shoulder rides which has tired me out so I'm off to bed night night to all my followers x

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Meeting another Nait mummy in Dublin, Ireland.

As I prepared to say farewell to the Emerald Isle my Nait mummy Louise brought me to Dublin to meet another Nait Mummy Sophie and her beautiful daughter Mimi.. I got so many cuddles from Mimi I promised I would come and visit her very soon!! but my time in Ireland is coming to an end.. so Go Raibh Mile Maith Agat for reading my blog, and Slán go Fó

My journey to Wroclaw, Poland.

My Nait mummy Louise and Granny Molly took me on a surprise trip to Wroclaw Poland, as it rained a lot we never went very far. I loved being on the bus and plane!!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Nait Bear gets ready to visit Wroclaw Poland

Hi all!
I'm so excited, my mummy for the week is bringing me to Poland, with my Nait Granny Molly. So excited and I can't wait to meet the Wroclaw Gnomes and visit the University Hospitals, where studies and research have taken place about NAIT. But must dash, I've a bus to catch.....x

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Sightseeing around the Village!!!

My new friends took me for a lovely walk sightseeing around the village!! I was very excited to see the GAA pitch, An tSean Bheairic (our local visitors centre), we had a rest at the crossroads before we came across the Cloughaneely stone!! On our journey back home to bed we stopped at The Shamrock Lodge for a sneaky pint of Guiness and a bit of craic. What a day!

Meeting my new friends.

Mummy Louise took me to my new home and I met 3 lovely little boys - Rory, Matthew and Daniel James, who very kindly let me have a shot of his pushchair as I was very tired after all the travelling..

Nait Bear arrives in Donegal, Ireland.

Hi there,
After a long journey across the Irish sea, I reached my next destination of Donegal, Ireland where I was warmly welcomed by my mummy for the week Louise. She promised me there was going to be lots and lots of fun and surprises happening while I was visiting!!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Visiting the Tandy's

Well, this week started with me arriving with the Tandy's. After a small row over who got to give me a cuddle first, Vanessa, (Aug 2006, untreated count of 4k) or her little brother Ryan (May 2008, treated count of c200k!!!), I had kisses and cuddles with both!
But what a whirlwind of a week I have had ... very little time to update my blog. I am doing it now as I wait at an airport on my way to visit the Gill family in Ireland!
Ryan recognised me instantly as a fellow NAIT sole and has taken me everywhere, to a family wedding, to a teddy bear's picnic, and to his last day in his class at nursery.
For Vanessa's 5th birthday the family went to Cadbury World to celebrate, but apparently bears are not allowed in, but I did get to see all that yummy chocolate and have a little party bag of my own!
I hope my bum doesn't look too big in my NAIT vest now, but I can confirm I can still squeeze into my travel box ;o)
So as I say goodbye for now to the Tandy family with a little sadness, I am also filled with excitement for my continuing journey.
Love to all my readers