Nait and his sister Naitalie are traveling around the world meeting families affected by the disease that they are named after, Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia.

They would like you to follow them both and look forward to your comments :)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Nait visits Barngeong Reserve Kindergarten

Talleah was very excited to take Nait to kinder to visit her friends at Barngeong Reserve Kindergarten in Croydon North

Nait enjoyed meeting all the kinder kids. Here is the 3 year old group with their teacher Emma!!
Nait was a big hit with the kids too!!

Talleah enjoyed telling all her kinder friends about why Nait was visiting the May family.


  1. Wonderful photo's Kylie!!! thanks for sharing your family and friends with us .... Nait sure had a lovely visit with Talleah and her kinder friends xxxx :)
