Nait and his sister Naitalie are traveling around the world meeting families affected by the disease that they are named after, Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia.

They would like you to follow them both and look forward to your comments :)

Friday, 30 September 2011

Nait Bare(!) in Bradford

Hi everyone!

Well, I've had another busy week with the Magee family in Bradford. We've been handing out so many awareness cards and chatting to people about NAIT and our super website.

Firstly, we took a trip to the toy library at St Lukes Hospital. This is a wonderful library for children with additional needs. Not only do they loan sensory toys and books but they have play sessions and coffee mornings and also arrange trips for children and their parents/carers. Like the library is a non-profit organisation which relies on donations and fundraising. The staff here are so kind and helpful, here's me with Michelle.

I then joined in a hydrotherapy session with Archie and his friends, which he goes to every week at St Lukes Hospital. Everyone had a wonderful time splashing about, singing and playing games! I got to meet some of Archie's friends who were all lovely!

Then I went to the VI Playgroup with Archie and his mummy where they go every fortnight. It is a playgroup specifically for children with visual impairment so the toys are perfect for the children and they also have access to a sensory room. Here's me with Archie, his friend Miriam, the wonderful Joanne (far left) who is also Archie's portage worker and Jayne.

I wanted to be clean and sweet-smelling ready for my next trip, so mummy Gillian gave me a good wash and then I basked in the sunshine to dry. I made sure I kept my dignity by using one of our fabulous awareness cards!

Well, the time has come for me to say goodbye to Bradford and the Magee family. I've had a wonderful time and hope to return again sometime. But now I look forward to continuing my journey just a few miles up the road to Leeds to meet another family affected by NAIT.

Lots of love and bear hugs xxxx


  1. Gillian,

    Your blog has been absolutely wonderful, and a joy to read! thank you so much for taking such great care of nait bear.

  2. Fabulous piccy's - Nait had such lovely adventures with Archie and your family Gillian! xxx
